Há um clichê de que o verão é a melhor época para ir loira. Enquanto você pode ficar mais leve a qualquer momento durante o ano, há algo nos meses mais quentes que inspiram as mulheres a fazer uma mudança. A partir de dezembro, com certeza veremos mais algumas loiras sobre a cidade. No entanto, há muitas outras tendências de cabelo em ascensão também. Aqui, tocamos em alguns dos melhores cabeleireiros de Sydney por seus dois centavos nos estilos da primavera / verão de 2019.
There’s a cliché that summer is the best time to go blonde. While you can go lighter at any point throughout the year, there’s something about the warmer months that inspires women to make a change.
Come December, we’re sure to see a few more blondes about town. However, there are plenty of other hair trends on the rise, too. Here, we tap a few of Sydney’s best hairdressers for their two cents on the trending styles of spring/summer 2019
"Bangs are a game changer and it shows that you can still have a longer hair shape, but still have some shorter lengths framing your face. I find that most of my clients love longer bangs cause there cool and easy to style which is so important. Push them back, sweep them forward, you decide."](https://d3lp4xedbqa8a5.cloudfront.net/s3/digital-cougar-assets/hb/2018/09/13/1536799717095_SUMMERHAIR1.jpg?width=690&height=&mode=crop&quality=75)
“Bangs are a game changer and it shows that you can still have a longer hair shape, but still have some shorter lengths framing your face. I find that most of my clients love longer bangs cause there cool and easy to style which is so important. Push them back, sweep them forward, you decide.”
“Bangs são um trocador de jogo e isso mostra que você ainda pode ter uma forma de cabelo mais longa, mas ainda tem alguns comprimentos menores emoldurando o seu rosto. Eu acho que a maioria dos meus clientes amam bangs mais longos porque lá é legal e fácil de estilo que é tão importante Empurre-os para trás, varrê-los para a frente, você decide “.
"I think Kate Hudson's choppy textured haircut is every woman's hair crush—I see this in my salon, and rightly so. Its short and still oozes sex appeal! The beauty about Kate's haircut is that you have the choice if you want to wear it slick one day, or textured and cute the next. It's like asking your hairstylist for a two in one style."](https://d3lp4xedbqa8a5.cloudfront.net/s3/digital-cougar-assets/hb/2018/09/13/1536799717110_SUMMERHAIR2.jpg?width=690&height=&mode=crop&quality=75)
“I think Kate Hudson’s choppy textured haircut is every woman’s hair crush—I see this in my salon, and rightly so. Its short and still oozes sex appeal! The beauty about Kate’s haircut is that you have the choice if you want to wear it slick one day, or textured and cute the next. It’s like asking your hairstylist for a two in one style.”
“Eu acho que o corte de cabelo texturizado de Kate Hudson é a queda de cabelo de toda mulher – eu vejo isso no meu salão, e com razão. Sua beleza curta no cabelo de Kate é que você tem a escolha se quiser usá-lo um dia, ou texturizado e fofo no dia seguinte. É como pedir ao cabeleireiro um estilo dois em um. ”
"Dua Lipa's graphic 'cool girl bob' is the perfect example of how you can wear this haircut and not look like a nanna. Keep the texture "undone" rather than restricted and poker straight. Dua's bob is definitely on my radar—girls are already asking for this and it's not even summer yet!"](https://d3lp4xedbqa8a5.cloudfront.net/s3/digital-cougar-assets/hb/2018/09/13/1536799717115_SUMMERHAIR3.jpg?width=690&height=&mode=crop&quality=75)
“Dua Lipa’s graphic ‘cool girl bob’ is the perfect example of how you can wear this haircut and not look like a nanna. Keep the texture “undone” rather than restricted and poker straight. Dua’s bob is definitely on my radar—girls are already asking for this and it’s not even summer yet!”
“O legal ‘cool girl bob’ de Dua Lipa é o exemplo perfeito de como você pode usar esse corte de cabelo e não parecer uma nanna. Mantenha a textura” desfeita “em vez de restringida e poker direto. O bob de Dua definitivamente está no meu radar – garotas são já está pedindo por isso e ainda não é verão! ”
 and Director at [Fuchs Salon](https://www.fuchshair.com.au/|target="_blank"|rel="nofollow"):**
"The retro style high ponytail, as seen on Bella Hadid, is for sure making a comeback and alongside it the scrunchie—who would believe that? Reason for that is that we are seeing a lot of 90s influence also now back now in hair trends."](https://d3lp4xedbqa8a5.cloudfront.net/s3/digital-cougar-assets/hb/2018/07/19/1531986606844_2-bella.jpg?width=690&height=&mode=crop&quality=75)
“The retro style high ponytail, as seen on Bella Hadid, is for sure making a comeback and alongside it the scrunchie—who would believe that? Reason for that is that we are seeing a lot of 90s influence also now back now in hair trends.”
“O rabo-de-cavalo estilo retro, como visto em Bella Hadid, com certeza está voltando e com ele o scrunchie – quem acreditaria nisso? A razão para isso é que estamos vendo muita influência dos anos 90 também agora nas tendências de cabelo ”
 and Director at [Fuchs Salon](https://www.fuchshair.com.au/|target="_blank"|rel="nofollow"):**
"The big summer trend I predict is the messy bun, as we just saw on Megan Markle at Wimbledon. It's a very soft look and is suitable for most face shapes. Everyone can do themselves—that's why it's ideal for summer."](https://d3lp4xedbqa8a5.cloudfront.net/s3/digital-cougar-assets/hb/2018/07/19/1531986606848_3-meghan.jpg?width=690&height=&mode=crop&quality=75)
“The big summer trend I predict is the messy bun, as we just saw on Megan Markle at Wimbledon. It’s a very soft look and is suitable for most face shapes. Everyone can do themselves—that’s why it’s ideal for summer.”
“A grande tendência de verão que eu prevejo é o coque confuso, como acabamos de ver em Megan Markle em Wimbledon. É um visual muito suave e adequado para a maioria das formas de rosto. Todo mundo pode fazer por si mesmo – é por isso que é ideal para o verão.”
"This look has just started and is only getting more popular—it's easy, convenient and flattering. You can go designer or op shop when shopping for your new scarf accessory. Bold or patterned, there really are no rules! Hair all up or done, fringe in or out. Fold the scarf length wise to make it like a 3cm band, place the middle at the nap of the head, and bring it around the perimeter of the hairline and tie at the front of your hairline above the forehead. You can tie or make a little bow, pulled it around to the side."](https://d3lp4xedbqa8a5.cloudfront.net/s3/digital-cougar-assets/hb/2018/07/19/1531986606852_4-scarf.jpg?width=690&height=&mode=crop&quality=75)
“This look has just started and is only getting more popular—it’s easy, convenient and flattering. You can go designer or op shop when shopping for your new scarf accessory. Bold or patterned, there really are no rules! Hair all up or done, fringe in or out. Fold the scarf length wise to make it like a 3cm band, place the middle at the nap of the head, and bring it around the perimeter of the hairline and tie at the front of your hairline above the forehead. You can tie or make a little bow, pulled it around to the side.”
“Este look acabou de começar e está ficando cada vez mais popular – é fácil, conveniente e lisonjeiro. Você pode ir ao designer ou à loja ao comprar seu novo acessório de cachecol. Negrito ou estampado, não há regras! Cabelo todo ou feito Franja para dentro ou para fora.Dobre o comprimento do lenço ao meio para torná-lo como uma faixa de 3cm, coloque o meio no cochilo da cabeça, e traga-o ao redor do perímetro da linha do cabelo e amarre na frente da linha do cabelo acima da testa. Você pode amarrar ou fazer uma pequena reverência, puxando-a para o lado.
"This style works well with a middle part or accentuated side part to show off the internal layers and movement. How short you go will depend on your bone structure, but the short, blunt bob works with all hair types from wavy to straight. The key to this cut is keeping the exterior or bottom line blunt, because that's where the drama comes from."](https://d3lp4xedbqa8a5.cloudfront.net/s3/digital-cougar-assets/hb/2018/07/19/1531986606860_6hs-blunt.jpg?width=690&height=&mode=crop&quality=75)
“This style works well with a middle part or accentuated side part to show off the internal layers and movement. How short you go will depend on your bone structure, but the short, blunt bob works with all hair types from wavy to straight. The key to this cut is keeping the exterior or bottom line blunt because that’s where the drama comes from.”
“Este estilo funciona bem com uma parte do meio ou parte lateral acentuada para mostrar as camadas internas e movimento. O quão curto você vai dependerá da sua estrutura óssea, mas o fio curto e sem corte funciona com todos os tipos de cabelo de ondulado a reto. A chave para este corte é manter o exterior ou a linha de fundo, porque é daí que vem o drama. ”
"Pulling off this look starts with the right haircut, for this extreme long hair look ask your hairstylist for a definitely line at the base. Next, it's all down to what you do at home, because super long hair looks best when it's healthy and well maintained. Make sure you add protein to your hair as well as moisture."](https://d3lp4xedbqa8a5.cloudfront.net/s3/digital-cougar-assets/hb/2018/07/19/1531986606863_7kim.jpg?width=690&height=&mode=crop&quality=75)
“Pulling off this look starts with the right haircut, for this extreme long hair look ask your hairstylist for a definitely line at the base. Next, it’s all down to what you do at home, because super long hair looks best when it’s healthy and well maintained. Make sure you add protein to your hair as well as moisture.”
“Tirar esse visual começa com o corte de cabelo certo, para este penteado extremo pedir ao seu cabeleireiro uma linha definitivamente na base. Em seguida, tudo depende do que você faz em casa, porque o cabelo super longo fica melhor quando é saudável e Bem conservado. Certifique-se de adicionar proteína ao seu cabelo, bem como a umidade.
 and Ambassador for [De Lorenzo Australia](https://www.delorenzo.com.au/|target="_blank"|rel="nofollow"):**
"The biggest news for the coming season is embracing your curls , deeply nourished ringlets and shaggy curl cuts are big for summer! We have been playing with the dropped tong for some years now and to me looks old fashioned, it's all about a tighter curl to the roots and a more carefree energy."](https://d3lp4xedbqa8a5.cloudfront.net/s3/digital-cougar-assets/hb/2018/07/19/1531986606866_10mandy.jpg?width=690&height=&mode=crop&quality=75)
“The biggest news for the coming season is embracing your curls , deeply nourished ringlets and shaggy curl cuts are big for summer! We have been playing with the dropped tong for some years now and to me looks old fashioned, it’s all about a tighter curl to the roots and a more carefree energy.”
“A maior novidade para a próxima temporada é abraçar seus cachos, cachos profundamente nutridos e cortes desgrenhados são grandes para o verão! Nós brincamos com a tanga há alguns anos e para mim parece antiquado, é tudo sobre uma onda mais apertada para as raízes e uma energia mais despreocupada.”